4th Workshop on Legal Culture
3 min readJul 19, 2022




9h30 — Welcome and brief introduction

9h40 — Philippa BYRNE (University of Oxford): After Bologna, Before Naples: Jurists and Politics in Sicily and Southern Italy in the Twelfth Century — Discussant: Massimo Vallerani

10h30 — Maria João BRANCO (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): In the Portuguese royal curia between Bologna and Rome: the role of jurists in the consolidation of a budding monarchy (12th-13th centuries) — Discussant: Caroline Burt

11h20 — Coffee break

11h40 — Yves MAUSEN (Université de Fribourg): English Canon Law and the Status of the King — Discussant: Maria João Branco

12h30 — Sara MENZINGER (Università degli Studi Roma Tre): Law in government: the contribution of learned legal thought to the Italian communal experience in the 12th century — Discussant: Philippa Byrne

13h20 — Lunch break

15h00 — Caroline BURT (Pembroke College, Cambridge): The Growth of the State in Thirteenth-Century England through the lens of theory, the common law and its practitioners — Discussant: Yves Mausen

15h50 — Coffee Break

16h10 — Richard PARTINGTON (St John’s College, Cambridge) The law in government service in fourteenth-century England — Discussant: Hillay Zmora


9h30 — Corinne LEVELEUX-TEIXEIRA (Université d’Orléans): Translating law to transform it. The French translations of the Corpus iuris civilis (XIIIth century) — Discussant: Sara Menzinger

10h20 — Massimo VALLERANI (Università di Torino): Jurists and consultors facing political legislation against bandits: technical solutions and pragmatic law in medieval Bologna — Discussant: Frederik Buylaert

11h10 — Coffee break

11h30 — George GARNETT (University of Oxford): Why Bartolus of Sassoferrato was not a toad with feathers — Discussant: Dante Fedele

12h20 — Dante FEDELE (CNRS-Lille — CHJ UMR 8025): The sea and islands in late medieval juristic thought — Discussant: Corinne Leveleux-Teixeira

13h10 — Lunch break

15h00 — Gisela NAEGLE (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen): Faithfulness and Criticism: Jean Juvénal des Ursins and his Family. Royal Officers between Town and Crown — Discussant: Richard Partington

15h50 — Coffee break

16h10 — Hillay ZMORA (Ben Gurion University of the Negev) Jurists and the Transformation of Politics: Germany in the Late Middle Ages — Discussant: George Garnett


09h00 — María Ángeles MARTÍN ROMERA (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Serving the queen in late medieval Castile: the professionalization of corregidores and continos Discussant: Gisela Naegle

09h50 — Serena FERENTE (Universiteit van Amsterdam): Women in office: late medieval jurists and queenship in Naples — Discussant: María Ángeles Martín Romera

10h10 — Coffee break

11h00 — Frederik BUYLAERT (Universiteit Gent), Kaat CAPPELLE (Universiteit Gent) and Klaas VAN GELDER (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) — Princely Legislation and Seigneurial Justice in the County of Flanders, c. 1400–1550 — Discussant: Patrick Lantschner

11h50 — Patrick LANTSCHNER (University College London): Lawyers and the Politics of European and Islamic Cities — Discussant: Serena Ferente

12h40 — Closing remarks



4th Workshop on Legal Culture
4th Workshop on Legal Culture

Written by 4th Workshop on Legal Culture

The 4th Workshop on Legal Culture is organised by the Instituto de Estudos Medievais, NOVA-FCSH, Lisbon.

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