4th Workshop on Legal Culture
3 min readJul 19, 2022




9h30 — Welcome and brief introduction

9h40 — Philippa BYRNE (University of Oxford): After Bologna, Before Naples: Jurists and Politics in Sicily and Southern Italy in the Twelfth Century — Discussant: Massimo Vallerani

10h30 — Maria João BRANCO (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): In the Portuguese royal curia between Bologna and Rome: the role of jurists in the consolidation of a budding monarchy (12th-13th centuries) — Discussant: Caroline Burt

11h20 — Coffee break

11h40 — Yves MAUSEN (Université de Fribourg): English Canon Law and the Status of the King — Discussant: Maria João Branco

12h30 — Sara MENZINGER (Università degli Studi Roma Tre): Law in government: the contribution of learned legal thought to the Italian communal experience in the 12th century — Discussant: Philippa Byrne

13h20 — Lunch break

15h00 — Caroline BURT (Pembroke College, Cambridge): The Growth of the State in Thirteenth-Century England through the lens of theory, the common law and its practitioners — Discussant: Yves Mausen

15h50 — Coffee Break

16h10 — Richard PARTINGTON (St John’s College, Cambridge) The law in government service in fourteenth-century England — Discussant: Hillay Zmora


9h30 — Corinne LEVELEUX-TEIXEIRA (Université d’Orléans): Translating law to transform it. The French translations of the Corpus iuris civilis (XIIIth century) — Discussant: Sara Menzinger

10h20 — Massimo VALLERANI (Università di Torino): Jurists and consultors facing political legislation against bandits: technical solutions and pragmatic law in medieval Bologna — Discussant: Frederik Buylaert

11h10 — Coffee break

11h30 — George GARNETT (University of Oxford): Why Bartolus of Sassoferrato was not a toad with feathers — Discussant: Dante Fedele

12h20 — Dante FEDELE (CNRS-Lille — CHJ UMR 8025): The sea and islands in late medieval juristic thought — Discussant: Corinne Leveleux-Teixeira

13h10 — Lunch break

15h00 — Gisela NAEGLE (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen): Faithfulness and Criticism: Jean Juvénal des Ursins and his Family. Royal Officers between Town and Crown — Discussant: Richard Partington

15h50 — Coffee break

16h10 — Hillay ZMORA (Ben Gurion University of the Negev) Jurists and the Transformation of Politics: Germany in the Late Middle Ages — Discussant: George Garnett


09h00 — María Ángeles MARTÍN ROMERA (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Serving the queen in late medieval Castile: the professionalization of corregidores and continos Discussant: Gisela Naegle

09h50 — Serena FERENTE (Universiteit van Amsterdam): Women in office: late medieval jurists and queenship in Naples — Discussant: María Ángeles Martín Romera

10h10 — Coffee break

11h00 — Frederik BUYLAERT (Universiteit Gent), Kaat CAPPELLE (Universiteit Gent) and Klaas VAN GELDER (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) — Princely Legislation and Seigneurial Justice in the County of Flanders, c. 1400–1550 — Discussant: Patrick Lantschner

11h50 — Patrick LANTSCHNER (University College London): Lawyers and the Politics of European and Islamic Cities — Discussant: Serena Ferente

12h40 — Closing remarks



4th Workshop on Legal Culture

The 4th Workshop on Legal Culture is organised by the Instituto de Estudos Medievais, NOVA-FCSH, Lisbon.